Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Stop Your Car Shipping Woes

Your worries don't end in choosing a car carrier to transport your vehicle. You have a lot of things to take care of before you can actually have some peace of mind. To save you from getting possible headaches with the Vehicle Shipping company, keep in mind these important things.

Be sure you have the hotline number for the carrier’s customer service department. That way you can trail where your car is at any given time. Just in case you may need it, don't forget to jot your car's tracking number.

Determine what ought to be your car's fuel volume should be at. Only a small quantity of fuel is needed by most car carriers. This is so fuel leaks and accidents that may result from them may be avoided.

Another thing, remove all your belongings from the car. Having personal effects in the car is actually a no-no for most transporters. It tempts burglars among other things.

Companies sometime put load restrictions on a vehicle and you wouldn't want your car to be found in excessively heavy for transportation. In addition, the insurance for the shipping does not cover the personal items you might have left in the car. They do not offer any guarantee for that.

It would be also wise to disconnect your car alarm. Deactivate it before leaving it to your shipper. You may even completely disengage the device if you want to.

Keep your car's Bill of Lading for future reference. This way, whatever accident that may befall your car, you'll know that it is properly insured. Existing damages prior to shipment must be duly recorded by the officer-in-charge in case of disputes.

Also, the Bill of Lading declares all the facts that you may need. You must not forget to bring it with you. You may need to show this if something goes awry with the delivery.

The last advice for you is to take snapshots of your car before it was taken by the freight company. Upon the delivery of your vehicle, inspect it carefully and thoroughly. Check your photos if you must.

Read your Bill of documents and try to see if some statements differ from the actual conditions of your vehicles. Be very sure of that there are no damages on your vehicle before releasing the company from the agreement. The company cannot process insurance claims if you have already released them from their responsibility as shipper.

If you need some more ideas and info, make sure that you visit a trusted and reliable website.