Many men find hair loss to be an incredibly horrifying experience. When those first stray hairs appear in the brush it can be quite traumatic. It is also traumatic when you see the first bald or thinning areasin the mirror. Some gentlemen find this reality difficult to deal with.
Many see this as the finality of their virility and youth on top of some other things too. The truth is that losing your hair does not have to mean any of those things. Once you have all of the facts you will see that you are more able to handle to news. Below we will discuss a few of the best coping mechanisms. Ideally, using Saw Palmetto is a great help in facing this dilemma.Understanding why it's happening is the best way to cope with it. The genetics passed down through generations has proven to be the main reason men lose their hair. If your grandfather on your mothers side went bald it is a proven fact you will too.
If your mother's grandfather had a full head of hair, you can rest pretty easy. However, we all know these things have to start somewhere down the line so don't think you are completely without risk. Prevent baldness by discussing your options for treatment before it becomes a problem.Another type of herb you should look into are Ayurvedic herbs as these are really wonderful for you.
We've all heard of Rogaine, this too is an option that seems to have gained popularity. Many geographic areas began seeing ads on TV and in Newspapers for Rogaine more than two decades ago. Rogaine is the second of the two FDA approved methods of hair regrowth. Unlike Propecia, Rogaine is a topical treatment. Men are instructed to apply the product directly to the scalp to stimulate hair growth. Natural hair is what most men are looking for if that's your case this is the product for you. This is not a one time solution continued use is necessary.
Laser Combs have also become very popular methods for fighting back against hair loss. The above method is quite simple in fact, it is nothing more than laser lights stimulating the scalp to promote hair growth. This method has not been endorsed by the FDA but it is in the works of being "cleared" by the administration. Many swear by Laser Comb treatment to reduce the effects of hair loss. Talk to your doctor to find out what he or she thinks. You could be right in thinking of this as the perfect solution to your hair loss.
Male hair loss happens for a number of reasons. Knowing what the causes of your condition are will equip you with the knowledge and power to over come them. Talk to your doctor to find out if there is a medical reason for the loss. Find a good dermatologist to help you out.
You may have to dig to find them but you will find the answers you seek.